Let’s face it, home buyers can be judgy. They will first determine online if they should visit your home based primarily on its photos. Homes with quality photos get an average of 61% more views! Give your home an edge with a set of well staged photos. With these steps and a good camera – […]
An Art SoiRay To Remember With Ray Gernhart and Associates
Every so often, the stars align and we throw a great event to celebrate our clients, and show our appreciation for their support in a special way. We’re so excited to tell you about such an event we hosted this past Sunday that we called the Art SoiRay! Three local artists set up camp at […]
Is It Time To Break Up With Your House?
You really thought it would last forever. If not forever, at least thirty years. But now, you find yourself wondering if you and your house are still the perfect match. It’s a great house. The same house you fell in love with not so long ago. You knew the second you saw it online, you […]
7 Steps To Becoming An Art Collector
“The more the art dominated my life and my house, the more the house became a home.” – Burt Reynolds in Architectural Digest, Sept 1983 Purchasing original art for your house is incredibly rewarding, and an often missed opportunity to personalize your space and transform it into a home–YOUR home. Sure, you can go […]
It’s Time to Get Organized with Ray!
After the holidays, and the excitement of opening our presents, we need to find places for all our new stuff. Granted it’s great stuff, stuff we probably asked for, but we still need to find room for all these new possessions. So, we begin to hunt for precious space in our crowded closets, on our […]
Small Business Saturday Top Local Picks 2015
Small Business Is Kind Of A Big Deal Everyone knows about Black Friday, but did you know that there is an official shopping holiday called Small Business Saturday that occurs on the Saturday after Thanksgiving? Shop SmallMart Not WalMart on 11/28! There are many reasons to shop at your local, small businesses. Every dollar spent […]