Buying a home for the first time can be thrilling, nerve-racking and an enormous accomplishment! Despite all the horror stories you’ve heard, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as some may think. At Ray Gernhart & Associates, our mission is to offer you the highest level of customer service and a stress-free first time […]
Summer Event List – July 4th and Beyond!
Many cities in NoVA from Manassas to McLean are holding their own celebrations, but none will top DC’s Independence Parade! The Parade starts at 11:45 am from Constitution Ave and 7th Street, but will pass by all monuments, so there are plenty of choices to camp out and enjoy the festivities. “Nowhere is there greater […]
Supporting Service with Military Relocation
Buying or selling a home can be one of the biggest transactions of your life. Not all real estate agents are created equal, especially when it comes down to specializations in diverse needs required by a seller or buyer. Working with an experienced real estate agent that can guide you on searching and finding a […]
The Case for Unfinished Basements
When searching for a house, basement or no basement is decided early on in the buying process, however there’s much to be said in the debate of finished versus unfinished. Unfinished basements have a lot of selling points, not just on the bottom dollar. True, all finishing cost are on you, but unfinished basements provide […]
The Future of Real Estate Listings
Drone shots Commercial drones have been available for several years, but the price drop in the last six months make them more appealing than ever. To add to the intrigue, The National Association of Realtors issued a statement of approval for drone usage in real estate listings, as well as an FAQ of laws and […]
2017 Resolution: Plant a Garden!
Whether it’s your first year in your home or twentieth, nothing cheers up the exterior like a garden. Seasoned gardeners will tell you the best time to plan your garden is winter, and a plan will save you hours of labor and decision making when planting time comes around! Indulge your green thumb this spring […]