Drone shots
Commercial drones have been available for several years, but the price drop in the last six months make them more appealing than ever. To add to the intrigue, The National Association of Realtors issued a statement of approval for drone usage in real estate listings, as well as an FAQ of laws and guidelines. Learning to operate one isn’t as complicated as you may think, as every drone model has video tutorials available online. Just make sure the battery is charged, and you get some practice in an empty field or parking lot first. Pretty soon, your property photos will stand out amongst your competition and you’ll be wowing your clients with stunning aerial photographs in no time!
360 degree video
High quality images are vital to real estate listings, but for higher end listings in a competitive market, that’s just the launching point! A 360 degree, interactive video gives potential buyers a tour without needing to schedule a walk through. This opens the door to showing your listing to clients outside the immediate area. The ability to show your property virtually, 24/7 makes your listing available to more people while giving them the exact perspective they’re looking for. The investment is significantly higher to do the 3D scanning in house, but imaging companies can put together a video in as little as 4 hours for flexible monthly fees.
Virtual Reality
Take that 3D scan a step further by adapting it to be viewable on a Virtual Reality headset! With the increase in availability, from the Oculus Rift to Google’s Daydream, VR is creeping into households across the country. Virtual Reality adds an extra layer of depth to the 3D imaging process, giving immersion into the space. Going to open houses could be a thing of the past! Imagine visiting your Realtor and “walking through” a dozen options while saving gas and time! Sounds too sci-fi? Don’t throw your hands up yet! Goldman Sachs predicts the virtual and augmented reality market is going to boom, estimating it turning into a $80 Billion dollar industry by 2025.
Walkthrough video
Alright, 2025 might seem far off, but there are still many ways to upgrade your listings today. The majority of new cell phones have excellent cameras with recording abilities, although we recommend using a high resolution camera, such as a DSLR, specifically for video recording to get the best quality. This gives you the option of guided video walkthroughs of available homes (just remember never to record in vertical rotation!) Walkthroughs provide a lively complement to quality photography, as well as a great opportunity for a Realtor to showcase not only the home, but themselves to potential buyers! It takes more planning than money, but there are guides to make the most of the time spent. Have fun adding your unique personal (and informative) touch to your listings.
Real estate, like the world, is constantly adapting to new technology. At Talk to Ray, we listen to our clients about what they like and dislike on our listings. It’s important for us to stay on top of technological innovations, and integrate the best new technology so we can better serve our clients. What new technology have you implemented? Think listings will evolve a different way? We’d love to hear from realtors and clients alike! If you’re considering selling your home and would like to know what kind of technology, tips, and tricks we’d use then give us a call at 571-992-0700 or contact here.