Is Your Next Real Estate Move a Relocation or a Remodel? Are you torn between renovating your existing home or moving to a new house? You’re not alone! As you can see from the stats below, this question is on a lot of people’s mind today. (Even more than whether they’ll renew Squid Game for […]
How Remote Work Has Revolutionized the Housing Market
Now’s the Time to Find a House That Meets Your Working Needs How is remote work different from the ice bucket challenge, Tebowing, and the “Gangnam Style” dance? It’s not a fad, and it’s here to say! What’s the Future of Work? According to one survey conducted by Upwork, lots of companies are making plans […]
Will Home Appreciation Continue to Skyrocket in 2022?
What’s the Future of Real Estate…And Is It Time to Enter the Market? If you’ve been following the residential housing market this last year, you know it’s been pretty crazy! Home values have been rising at an unprecedented rate. Home prices over the last 18 months. It’s not one source of data making this claim […]
Frustrated by the Sellers’ Market in Northern Virginia Real Estate?
Relief Could Be on the Way for Potential Home Buyers Anyone who has bought (or attempted to buy) a house in Northern Virginia has likely come to the same conclusion: it’s absolutely a sellers’ market out there! Low inventory. High demand. Historically low interest rates. Shifting priorities as the working landscape changes. This has all […]
Can Buying a House Save You Money Every Month?
Rent Prices Are Only Going Up…Is It Time to Buy? Do you feel as if rents are on the rise? If so, you’re not alone…and you’re not wrong. “Yeah. It’s a one bedroom, zero bath, and it’s $2,000 a month. But, hey, utilities are included.” According to this report, median rent in June 2021 […]
4 Reasons to List Your Home This Summer
Why Waiting until Fall or Winter Could Be Too Late Enticed by stories of people’s homes going for a million over asking? Wondering if now is a good time to sell? Here are four major indicators that not only is now a great time to sell…but the window of opportunity could be closing. 1. Homes […]