Cul-de-sac is French and when translated, means “back of the bag”. The modern purpose of the cul-de-sec is to slow traffic. 15th century roman architects and writers suggest that the original cul-de-sac was first seen in ancient Egypt around 1885 BCE, and may have been used for defense purposes! Whatever their true purpose, what remains a fact, is that: some love them, others hate them.
Below is a list of terms various countries use for this simple concept:
Canada: No Exit
UK: Cul-de-sac OR No Through Road
Australia: No Through Road
US: Cul-de-sac OR No Outlet OR Dead End OR No Exit
In some places such as California, the term “Not a Through Road” is used.
We’d love for you to share the term you’ve always used on Facebook and Twitter.
Looking for a home in a cul-de-sac? View our most recent listing:
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