Productive, Fun Ways to Beat the Social Distancing Blues
“Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?”
Who knew nineteenth-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche would be so insightful in our twenty-first-century existence of quarantine and social distancing? While many are starting to get serious cabin fever being stuck at home, it’s imperative we continue to abide by all shelter-at-home orders. If you’re groaning at the thought of more homebound days on the horizon, it might be time to get creative and to start looking into some new hobbies!
With more time at home than probably ever before, now is the perfect time to pick up a new skill or to revisit one from your past. Here are ten ideas to get you started.
Hobby #1: Gardening
Are you convinced you’ve watched just about everything on Netflix? Before you screen the Tiger King for the second time—third time, anyone?—consider gardening as a way to while away the hours. By flexing your green thumb, you not only get fresh air and a bit of exercise, but if you plant something edible, you could even get fresh, amazing produce at the end.
Watch real estate agent and gardening novice Ruth Garvey show us all how it’s done:
Hobby #2: Knitting, Stitching, Embroidery
For the craft inclined, it’s a great time to do some knitting, crocheting, stitching, or embroidery. Whether you’re just teaching yourself or you have already mastered these skills, many find the repetitive nature of these kinds of tasks to be soothing and even therapeutic. Once you’re proficient enough that your craft of choice doesn’t require your full attention, it’s also a great way to make all that TV time into something productive.
Hobby #3: Learning a Musical Instrument
Always dreamed of playing the piano? Rocking out on the guitar? Tackling the cello? Now is the perfect time to learn! From blogs to videos to entire subscription services, there are so many online resources to help you learn the instrument of your choice. If honing a musical skill always tops your New Year’s resolution list but it just never seems to happen, consider taking the plunge now. Just be extra respectful of your neighbors. With more people home from work and school, you don’t want to disturb anyone.
Hobby #4: Quarantine Stargazing
Special thanks to Megan Eaves for this one. The London-based amateur astronomer started the #Starentine movement, and it’s caught on around the globe. (For those who haven’t joined the craze yet, #Starentine is quarantine stargazing.) Follow her on Twitter (@megoizzy) for the date and times of live stargazing sessions. Interested in learning more? Read all about it in her recent CNN interview.
Hobby #5: Exercise
Exercise should be an essential part of everyone’s quarantine existence. Even strict stay-at-home orders allow for time outside to exercise. (Just don’t forget to wear your cloth face covering and to stay six feet away from anyone you don’t live with.) You might not be able to grab your favorite running buddy right now, but getting outside for a jog or brisk walk can do wonders for your physical and mental health. It’s also a safe, healthy, productive way to combat some of that cabin fever that might be setting in.
Hobby #6: Cooking
Whether you’ve never so much as scrambled an egg or you’re already a bona fide foodie, honing your cooking skills is an incredible way to spend your time at home! It’s a lifelong skill that can have far-reaching benefits long after these shelter-at-home orders have been lifted. Cooking at home is healthier than eating out (most of the time!), you can directly control portion sizes and ingredients, and it can save you tons of money. Bon appétit!
Hobby #7: Pick up a Second Language
From free apps, such as Duolingo, to paid subscription services, there’s no shortage of resources to help you learn a second language. (Pimsleur, for example, is one of the highest rated, and it’s even used by the FBI and Homeland Security!) The skill can just be a productive way to spend some of your newfound extra time, or you can invest in a language that’ll serve you on an international dream trip after current travel restrictions are lifted. While you’re still housebound, test out your new skills by flipping on Netflix and watching an old favorite in a new language. (Not sure how to do that? Read here.) You can also get creative with it by finding a pen pal to converse with in your second tongue.
Hobby #8: Foster or Adopt an Animal
It’s perfectly understandable to be feeling lonely in these isolating times. Luckily, there’s a cuddly solution. Even though it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find available animals under quarantine, it is still possible to foster or to adopt. If you’re lucky enough to get one of the animals up for adoption, having a pet presents many benefits. It can help distract you from the pandemic, it can give you a ready-made excuse to get outside for walks, and it can provide some companionship when you can’t see family or loved ones. If you’re actually committing to an adoption, just make sure your life post-quarantine can still accommodate a pet. Even though you’re available now for daily walks and tons of attention, that might not be the case once you’ve headed back to the office.
For a list of some local animal shelters, jump over to this blog.
Hobby #9: Read (and Join a Virtual Book Club)
Love to read but never have time to pick up a book? Under this new normal, you might finally have the time! While reading can be a great means of enjoyment and escape, it can also be a bit isolating. After all, one of the great joys of reading is being able to share your favorite bits with like-minded people. So, if you’re suddenly able to commit to reading but would like some human interaction to go along with it, consider a virtual book club. No, you can’t meet face to face right now, but you can always jump on a Zoom call or send each other video reviews with your thoughts. The club can help keep you motivated and provide some much-needed connection right now.
Hobby #10: Writing
Writing always makes for an interesting hobby, but especially right now, it’s a great option. It’s free, it’s easy to start, and it can be cathartic. Whether you’re just looking to put down some quick thoughts at the end of the day in a personal journal or you want to delve headfirst into fiction or poetry, writing can be as private or as public as you’d like it to be. Put pen to paper, and see what happens!
With so much extra time in our homes right now, many people are starting to realize the value of loving where you live. If you’re renting and want to take the plunge into homeownership or you’re interested in buying a new home, reach out today!