When searching for a house, basement or no basement is decided early on in the buying process, however there’s much to be said in the debate of finished versus unfinished. Unfinished basements have a lot of selling points, not just on the bottom dollar. True, all finishing cost are on you, but unfinished basements provide the most flexibility to turn the house into your own dream home!
A Blank Canvas
It’s always worth examining what it is that you want out of your basement. Sure, a wet bar sounds great, unless you’re looking for a family home, and that extra bedroom seems a great deal, but the price hike might not be worth it if you just wanted the open space. An unfinished basement doesn’t come with any unwanted features to uninstall before you start your projects but instead gives you a blank canvas to fit your lifestyle. Don’t pass up an otherwise perfect house!

Even a narrow space can have boundless configurations!
Choose Your Paints
Assuming all connection points (sewer, water, electrical) are set up, an unfinished basement is an opportunity to get creative. Electrical and Plumbing are safer, but not required, to be done by professionals, due to building permits and national and local code regulations. But even if you hire a professional, there’s plenty to DIY and save some cash. Being able to choose everything from the paint to the outlet covers affords a fully personalized space, down or upgradable to your budget. With tips and tricks galore, the internet is a vast resource to make your basement the perfect space for you. We loved some of these , but there’s no limit to your creativity!

Though soundproofing might be recommended in some cases.
Complete Your Masterpiece
Finishing a basement doesn’t cost as much as you might think, especially if an open well-lit space is all you’re after. This nifty guide breaks down your basement remodel by task, allowing you to get a great estimate on how much it would cost. Not to mention that as remodeling prices rise, Realtor Mag still lists Basements as a remodel that pays off to the tune of about 75 cents on the dollar nationally, so investing can return when it comes time to sell. Last but not least, the space can always serve as storage until you’re ready to tackle the project, just be careful not to leave it that way!

There might be a problem there…
What do you think? Did you buy a home with an unwanted fixture in your basement? Still looking for your dream home? We can help give you the information to make the tough decisions (basements are one of the easier points!) We want to hear from you! Talk to Ray loves to connect with homeowners and future homeowners, so give us a ring at 571-992-0700 or check us out on Facebook!